November 2008                                   return to our "home page"
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The first week of November brought a few more rigs and friends to our corner of the world.  We were happy to have the chance to catch up on what everybody did during the summer and to begin our "regular winter routine."   Our park held a "Welcome Back Party" on a Sunday afternoon, serving hot dogs and beer, chips and ice cream.  All of the departments, clubs, sports and activities set up a booth to demonstrate their activities and sign up potential participants.  It was a windy afternoon, but we enjoyed checking out all the possibilities.  Unfortunately, there aren't enough hours in the day - or days in the week to do it all!

Dennis and Connie were the last of our neighbors to bring their rig in this fall.  With a little help from the rangers, they were parked in no time at all.  Let the season begin!
Palm Park was the scene for our "welcome home" party.
All the clubs and activities had booths set up along the walking paths to tell about their plans for the season.
This little guy was part of the display by the presenters of a "Native Arizona" program.  He was minus a leg when rescued, so a wheel was cemented to his shell allowing him to grow and thrive.  Man, could he move!


Before we knew it, it was Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, Mary's step-father passed away in Michigan a few days beforehand, so she flew to Michigan.  That left Tom at Palm Creek to take over the tasks that Mary had begun - to include checking the sign-up sheet for the neighborhood potluck to make certain that all the categories were covered, doing a little decorating, and most importantly, baking the pies.  He also helped scrub down a neighbor's patio where the dinner would be held.  From all reports, he did an excellent job.  Meanwhile, Mary spent her "turkey day" with her Mom and some family in Michigan.

With Thanksgiving behind them, the neighbors decided to get in the Christmas spirit.  It was another group project as everyone got together to help wrap lights around some of the palm trees.  It made our block quite festive.

Tom baked two pumpkin pies and two pecan pies.  They were well received by the crowd.
About 20 people gathered to share a turkey dinner and all the trimmings.
A long pole, several strings of lights, a walk in a continuing circle and several supervisors will get your palm tree all ready for the holidays.


The traditional holiday season has begun!

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